
Overview of some of NR's projects

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Local update of object models

When a facies realization from an object model has been generated there might be many reasons to not simulate a new realization from scratch when new well information arises. A lot of effort might have been put into history matching, giving a realization with realistic reservoir behaviour and production data. When new well information is given this realization does not condition all the wells correctly anymore. The new well data can be new wells that are drilled, changes in the location or logs in existing wells or new specification of coupling between wells.

LongRec – Records Management over Decades

The primary goal of LongRec joint-industry project was the Persistent, Reliable and Trustworthy Long-Term Archival of Digital Documents, with Emphasis on Availability and Use of Documents. The particular problems addressed by the LongRec project typically emerge when document lifetime exceeds 20 years, and LongRec imposes no upper limit on the lifetime.

Manneråk +5 – Full deltakelse for alle? Utviklingstrekk 2001-2006

Formålet med prosjektet var å vurdere situasjonen for funksjonshemmede fem år etter NOU 2001:22 Fra bruker til borger, vurdere effekt av tiltak på området, samt å foreslå nye tiltak. Rapporter, undersøkelser og litteratur ble gjennomgått, og det ble utført intervjuer og referansegruppemøter. Dette resulterte i Delrapport IKT i utredningen "Full deltakelse for alle? Utviklingstrekk 2001-2006".

MARIAGE – Making Rich Media Accessable for Generations

The MARIAGE project aimed at the development of principles, frameworks and demonstrators for life-time media albums. Media types of interest were photographs, videos, music and software-based media such as web pages, flash films, and computer games. We focused on the 'prosumer' type of user, a person who is producing and consuming media objects. MARIAGE dealt with long-term availability of execution environments, with media format availability in a life-time perspective, with metadata management, and with interoperability between the media album platforms that prosumers use.

Markov mesh models for patterns on multiple grids

When modeling oil- and gas-reservoirs one defines a 3D grid and fills this grid with sand and shale. The patterns formed by the porous and permeable sand and the impenetrable shale, determines the flow properties of the reservoir. It is necessary to take into account statistical uncertainty and study the flow properties from a probabilistic point of view. Markov mesh models constitute one methodology for doing this. The starting point is a 3D training image. The model analyses and stores information about the training image’s patterns and then simulations are done from this model.

Measuring used packaging in Norwegian companies

Materialretur is the system established by the business community in response to the authorities' requirement that used packaging is recovered and recycled. Their main task is to ensure that the business community participates in the financing of the recovery and recycling of used packaging.

Mesoscale weather extremes: Theory, spatial modelling and prediction (WEX-MOP)

High-impact extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall and/or strong winds are very often associated with intensive atmospheric fronts with strong gradients or deep moist convection. These events are governed by mesoscale atmospheric dynamics, operating on horizontal scales ranging from a few to several hundred kilometers. In the WEX-MOP project, a team of atmospheric and mathematical scientists will join forces to work on theory, spatial statistical and dynamical modeling, and prediction for mesoscale weather extremes, to advance prognoses of severe weather events. The project will release developments towards a next-generation comprehensive mesoscale prediction system for extreme weather.

MobileSage – Situated Adaptive Guidance for the Mobile Elderly

This project targets elderly persons with or without impairments (motor, perception, cognition). The idea behind MobileSage is to provide the elderly with context-sensitive, personalized, and location-sensitive tools that allow them to carry out and solve everyday tasks and problems in the self-serve society when and where they occur, “just-in-time.”
