
Overview of some of NR's projects

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A comparison of drugs for treating Parkinson’s disease patients

Parkinson’s disease is a gradually progressive neurodegenerative disease with symptoms such as rest tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia. Many patients also experience depression, sleep issues and cognitive impairment. Parkinson’s disease affects 0.3% of the entire population in industrialized countries.

A robust flood estimation framework for Norway (FlomQ)

As hydro power comprises 95% of the total electricity generation in Norway, extreme flooding and dam safety are important societal issues. The aim of FlomQ is to develop a new and improved flood estimation framework for Norway with a special focus on larger catchments. 

Absolute abundance estimation of fish

This was a Strategic Institute Program in collaboration with Institute for Marine Research (IMR). The main goal of this strategic programme was to develop methods and standardised procedures that enable estimation of absolute abundance of fish stocks. NR's responsibility was to provide estimates of the total uncertainty.

ADIMUS – Adaptive Internet Multimedia Streaming

The ADIMUS project looks at streaming of multimedia on the Internet. We implement methods that adapt to service quality changes, in order to maximise the end-user's subjective experience. Adaptation mechanisms include QoS reservations, encoding schemes and parameters, and routing. The modeling of end-to-end service quality will be used in simulations and evaluations.


High Resolution Air Quality Information for Policy 

ALerT - Awareness Learning Tools for Data Sharing Everywhere

The project Awareness Learning Tools for Data Sharing Everywhere (ALerT) concerns sharing of personal data and how these data are used by commercial companies and other entities in the digital environments. Advancements in information technology have made people less aware of the collection and usage of personal data. As a result, individuals rarely have clear knowledge of what information other people and firms store about them or how that information is used.

ALerT - Awareness Learning Tools for Data Sharing Everywhere

Prosjektet Awareness Learning Tools for Data Sharing Everywhere (ALerT) dreier seg om informasjon som vi deler digitalt. Med informasjon mener vi personopplysninger eller data som kan knyttes til meg. Alle som bruker digitale verktøy, PC’er, mobiler, osv. deler informasjon om seg selv, informasjon om hva man interessert i og gjør. Dette kommer vi til å fortsette med gjøre, men det finnes mange eksempler på misbruk av informasjon, informasjon på avveier, og mangel på personvern.

Analysis of unpaid and undeclared duties for Norwegian Customs

The main objective of the Norwegian Customs is to prevent unlawful imports and exports and ensure correct declarations and payment of customs and excises duties. By means of its controls the Norwegian Customs reveals irregularities and breaches of the rules. As the controls, such as company audits, are costly, not all firms are controlled. Hence, the controls only reveal parts of the unpaid and undeclared duties and taxes.

Appetitt - APPlikasjon om Ernæring - TIlTak for helse og Trivsel

I APPETITT-prosjektet ble det utviklet en nettbrett-applikasjon, Appetitus-appen, for hjemmeboende eldre med ernæringsutfordringer. Målet med appen er å forebygge ernæringsproblemer. Appetitus skal bidra til oppmuntring og inspirasjon, samt forenkle planlegging av måltider. Appen er prøvd ut av hjemmeboende brukere av kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenester, helsepersonell og pårørende. 
