

Over the past 20 years the international community has increasingly recognized that the Earth Observation (EO) can play a relevant role providing data to support Emergency Management (EM) activities. An example of a European initiative is the SAFER project under the FP7 Global Monitoring for Environment and Security program (GMES).

The overall goal of the E-MAN project is to determine the potential to provide earth observation based services in support of Emergency Management (EM). The operational model we assume is KSAT as a provider of value-added earth observation products and alert information to the agencies responsible for emergency management in their respective disciplines nationally and internationally.

The main objectives of the E-MAN project are to determine whether:

  1. The market and organizational conditions are present for the commercial delivery of national and/or international services in support of EM;
  2. The technical conditions are sufficiently present, especially if existing or custom-designed algorithms for the analysis of satellite data are sufficiently accurate and robust to be used in such a service.