eHealth (ICT in health care and welfare)

eHealth (ICT in health care and welfare)

The focus area of eHealth looks into healthcare practices supported by electronic processes, communication, applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile health care applications. The main challenge in eHealth is to organise communication, workflow, processes by best-practice. NRs researchers have specialised in developing prototypes using new technologies and research results, such as sensor networks, mobile devices, usability, user experience, security, privacy, universal design, as well as performing user studies. We work within several sub-disciplines of eHealth:

  • Data communication between technical entities (sensor networks, mobile devices, health care enterprises). We have developed a concept for such communication using the MPEG-21 standard (ISO 21000);
  • Patient monitoring systems using wireless biomedical sensor networks; communication with healtcare information systems, including electronic health record (EHR, EPJ) and personal health record (PHR) systems;
  • Technologies for ambient assisted living (AAL) and welfare technologies;
  • Mobile decision systems for self-care patients;
  • Security, privacy, usability and universal design of eHealth systems.

Selected Publications

Leister, Wolfgang; Bjørk, Joakim; Schlatte, Rudolf; Johnsen, Einar Broch; Griesmayer, Andreas (2012). Exploiting Model Variability in ABS to Verify Distributed Algorithms. International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications. ISSN 1942-2601. 5(1&2)

Leister, Wolfgang (2012). Research Challenges for Smart Information Systems. Key-note at SMART 2012, Stuttgart  Full-text . Review 

Leister, Wolfgang; Schulz, Trenton; Lie, Arne; Grythe, Knut Harald; Balasingham, Ilangko (2011). Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems. INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-307-475-7

Balasingham, Ilangko; Ihlen, Halfdan; Leister, Wolfgang; Røe, Per; Samset, Eigil (2007). Communication of medical images, text, and messages in inter-enterprise systems: A case study in Norway. IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine. ISSN 1089-7771. doi: 10.1109/TITB.2006.879597