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BestApps – Best Practices in Accessible Applications

The world of mobile apps has exploded over the past couple of years. Today, both Apple and Google claim to have more than one million apps for their respective phones and tout apps as one of the main reasons to use a phone. Developers from around the world are working on creating apps for the mobile platform. Smartphones, with their sensors and computing power, promise to be a great assistive device for people with disabilities. Unfortunately, many of these millions of apps do not take into account accessibility.

Bistand til nasjonalt pasientsikkerhetsprogram

Norsk Regnesentral bistår Helsedirektoratet med statistisk analyse og sammenstilling av data i forbindelse med pasientsikkerhetsprogrammets arbeid med kartlegging av pasientskader og pasientsikkerhetskulturundersøkelser.

Black Carbon

Over the last years the importance of black carbon (small soot particles) for the climate system has been increasingly recognized. In the last IPCC report the black carbon impact of the Arctic was recognized as an independent and recognizable contribution to global warming. Black carbon, originating from incomplete burning of organic material or fossil fuel and transported as aerosols by the global air currents, is probably the second most important contribution to global warming in the Arctic.

Can salt (MgCl2) reduce air pollution from car traffic?

Car trafficCar traffic is the main source for local air pollution in urban areas. In addition to the direct pollution from the exhaust gas (such as NOx and CO), cars also whirl up dust from the roads into the air, yielding high concentrations of small (PM2,5) and large (PM10) particles.

Capable - innbyggerstyrt digital helseinformasjon

I CAPABLE prosjektet skal vi utforske hvordan innbyggerne kan nyttiggjøre seg egne helseopplysninger for å fremme egen helse og mestre egen sykdom. Dette vil vi gjøre gjennom å utvikle, prøve ut og evaluere en digital prototype for å håndtere informasjon om medisiner, ernæring og koordinering av helsetjenester.

Changes in antianxiety and z-hypnotic drug consumption following DP onset

Work can contribute to mental wellbeing, but god mental health is also important for work-life participation. Mental illness is the most common cause of receiving disability pension (DP) among young individuals in Norway. Researchers have studied whether becoming a disability pensioner can be beneficial for one’s mental health by studying changes in antidepressant drug consumption. We have followed this up further by examining changes in antianxiety and z-hypnotic drug consumption following DP onset.
