SnowStar represents the next generation of snow mapping systems at Statkraft. SnowStar consists of three main components:
- SnowStar Server
- SnowStar Viewer and
- SnowStar Intranet
SnowStar server do image-processing of satellite images towards digital maps of data such as snow coverage and snow temperature. The Server fetches images from the source, and do all the image processing automatically. Several types of satellite images may be used and the SnowStar Server threats each image individually and uses them in the final result.
SnowStar Viewer is an interactive viewing system where other map data may be integrated. The user himself may choose the appropriate combination of data that he wish. SnowStar Viewer is also part of a large-scale hydrological information system. So the user may combine datas from various sources.
SnowStar Intranet is a viewing system connected to Statkrafts intranet system, where you may examine various sets of charts and graphs.

Research areas
Project period