MARIAGE – Making Rich Media Accessable for Generations
MARIAGE – Making Rich Media Accessable for Generations
The MARIAGE project aimed at the development of principles, frameworks and demonstrators for life-time media albums. Media types of interest were photographs, videos, music and software-based media such as web pages, flash films, and computer games. We focused on the 'prosumer' type of user, a person who is producing and consuming media objects. MARIAGE dealt with long-term availability of execution environments, with media format availability in a life-time perspective, with metadata management, and with interoperability between the media album platforms that prosumers use.
Benefit for society
The project's findings resulted in recommendations for the long-time preservation, retrieval, and use of private multimedia. We published a number of guidelines on the issues targeting in particular at software developers and users on how to handle long-time multimedia albums.
- article (Norwegian): En datanøkkel til fortida, by journalist Arnfinn Christensen.
- Fretland, Truls; Fritsch, Lothar; Groven, Arne Kristian: State of the Art of Digital Rights Management, Norwegian Computing Center report 1018, ISBN 978-82-539-0528-0, Oslo, June 2008.
- Norsk Regnesentral Annual Report, 2007 (Norwegian & English): Når din digitale hukommelse svikter ― MARIAGE ― Making Rich Media Accessible for Generations, p. 12, Norsk Regnesentral, Oslo, Spring 2008.
- Fritsch, Lothar; Holmqvist, Knut; Fretland, Truls: Making Rich Media Accessible for Generations: Trust, Security and Privacy Issues with Personal Media on the Web 2.0 , Proceedings of the IFIPTM Web 2.0 Trust workshop, Trondheim, Norway, June 16, 2008
- Till Halbach. Comparison of open and free video compression systems. In Proceedings of International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications (IMAGAPP), Lisboa (Portugal), February 2009. Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), Springer.
- Knut Holmqvist, Till Halbach, and Thor Kristoffersen. Virtualization as a strategy for maintaining future access to multimedia content. In Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Multimedia, Colmar, France, July 2009. International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), IEEE Computer Society.
- Ivar Solheim, Øystein Dale, Lothar Fritsch, Till Halbach, Knut Holmqvist, and Ingvar Tjøstheim. Search and navigation as retrieval strategies in large photo collections. In Proceedings of European Conference on Information Retrieval (Information Access for Personal Media Archiv Workshop, IAPMA), pages 30-37, Milton Keynes (UK), March 2010. Dublin City University.

Contact information
Project period
Norges forskningsråd (project 181819)